Churchmarketplace is fundamentally a portal or gateway through to the suppliers who are participating.
Every effort will be made to put agreements in
place with suppliers regarding their obligations and
responsibility when responding to Churchmarketplace
members needs – in particular not to conduct
unsolicited marketing or send SPAM. However if
members have dealt with that supplier directly or
through intermediaries such as price comparison web
sites, then Churchmarketplace cannot be held
responsible in any way.
With regards to technology and the use of the
internet to gain access to Churchmarketplace, there
are a number of variables outside our control. They
range from the quality of the members own internet
connection, browser and security settings to time of
day and their Internet Service Provider’s technical
capacity, capability and own security policy. Church
Marketplace will always make best effort to provide
a continuous service but will notify members where
practicable if there are any problems.